20 / 10 / 16
Hepatocellular carcinoma accounts for the majority of primary liver cancers.
在全球范围内,肝癌是癌症相关死亡的第四大原因,在新发病例数量方面排名第六1 。
Worldwide, liver cancers are the fourth most common cause of cancer-related death and rank sixth in terms of incident cases .1
根据年度预测,世界卫生组织估计,2030年将有超过100万患者死于肝癌2 。
On the basis of annual projections, the World Health Organization estimates that more than 1 million patients will die from liver cancer in 2030.2
在美国,2000—2016年,肝癌死亡率增加了43%(从每10万人中有7.2人死亡增加至10.3人死亡)3 。
In the United States, the rate of death from liver cancer increased by 43% (from 7.2 to 10.3 deaths per 100,000) between 2000 and 2016.3
肝癌的5年生存率为18%,是胰腺癌之后排名第二的致死性肿瘤4 。
With a 5-year survival of 18%, liver cancer is the second most lethal tumor, after pancreatic cancer.4
大多数肝细胞癌发生于有基础肝病的患者,主要是由乙型或丙型肝炎病毒(HBV or HCV)感染或者酒精滥用导致。
The majority of hepatocellular carcinomas occur in patients with underlying liver disease, mostly as a result of hepatitis B or C virus (HBV or HCV) infection or alcohol abuse.
patients with underlying liver disease 有基础肝病的患者
结构学习:mostly as a result of
Universal HBV vaccination and wide implementation of direct-acting antiviral agents against HCV are likely to change the etiologic landscape of hepatocellular carcinoma.
然而,非酒精性脂肪性肝病的增多与代谢综合征和肥胖一起增加了肝癌的风险,非酒精性脂肪性肝病将很快成为西方国家肝癌的主要原因5 。
However, the increase in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which together with metabolic syndrome and obesity amplifies the risk of liver cancer, will soon become a leading cause of liver cancer in Western countries.5
人种和族群差异在生存概率方面起着重要作用,黑种人和西班牙语裔接受根治的可能性比白种人低6 。
Racial or ethnic group differences play an important role in the probability of survival, with blacks and Hispanics less likely than whites to undergo curative therapies.6
晚期肝癌患者的全身性治疗正在迅速发生改变,过去2年中有4种新药在3期试验中显示出临床疗效7 。
Systemic therapies for patients with an advanced stage of liver cancer are rapidly changing, with four new agents showing clinical efficacy in phase 3 trials in the past 2 years.7
This review summarizes the main genetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinoma, key epidemiologic features, and evidence-based approaches to management.
Molecular Pathogenesis
Patients with chronic liver disease have sustained hepatic inflammation, fibrosis, and aberrant hepatocyte regeneration.
These abnormalities can cause cirrhosis and favor a series of genetic and epigenetic events that culminate in the formation of dysplastic nodules, which are bona fide preneoplastic lesions.
to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, etc. 有助于;有利于
其他分子改变为发育不良细胞提供了增殖、侵袭和生存优势,并完成了向完全肝细胞癌的转变(图1)8 。
Additional molecular alterations provide dysplastic cells with proliferative, invasive, and survival advantages and complete the transition to full-blown hepatocellular carcinoma (Figure 2 ).8
Hepatocellular carcinoma can also arise in patients who have chronic liver disease but do not have established cirrhosis or marked inflammation (e.g., patients with HBV infection).
图1. 肝细胞癌的主要基因改变和分子分类
Figure 1. Main Genetic Alterations in Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Molecular Classification.
The key molecular and histologic alterations occurring during human hepatocarcinogenesis are summarized, as are the main genomic and clinical features of the two main molecular subclasses of hepatocellular carcinoma.
An asterisk (*) denotes high-level DNA amplification.
In the nonproliferation class, immune exclusion is enriched in tumors with CTNNB1 mutations.
AFP denotes alpha-fetoprotein, HBV hepatitis B virus, and HCV hepatitis C virus.
Hepatocellular carcinoma cells accumulate somatic DNA alterations, including mutations and chromosomal aberrations.
TERT启动子突变是最常见的基因改变,在所有病例中约占60%9 。
Mutations in the TERT promoter are the most frequent genetic alterations, accounting for approximately 60% of cases.9
They can be detected in dysplastic nodules, and the TERT promoter is a recurrent insertion site for the genome of HBV.
也有报道称TERT启动子内插入了致癌的2型腺相关病毒,但其发生的比率非常低(约5%)9 。
Oncogenic viral insertions of adeno-associated virus type 2 in the TERT promoter have also been reported, but their prevalence is very low (approximately 5%).9
Other mutated genes affect the cell cycle (e.g., TP53, accounting for approximately 30% of cases), WNT signaling (CTNNB1 and AXIN1, accounting for approximately 30% and 10% of cases, respectively), or chromatin remodeling (ARID1Aand ARID2, accounting for approximately 10% and 5% of cases, respectively) (Figure 1 ).
肝细胞癌内可作为分子疗法靶点的体细胞突变很少,属于最少的几种实体癌之一10 ,临床实践中尚无用于预测疗效的突变。
Hepatocellular carcinoma is among the solid cancers with the fewest somatic mutations that can be targeted with molecular therapies,10 and no mutation is used in clinical practice to predict a therapeutic response.
High-level DNA amplifications located in chromosome 6p21 and 11q13, the respective loci for VEGFAand CCND1/FGF19, could also be targeted with molecular therapies, but their prevalence is low.
Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma at the same clinical stage can have different molecular subtypes.
These subtypes correlate with clinical features, but they are not used in routine clinical practice.
They were identified on the basis of specimens resected from patients at early disease stages but have not been thoroughly tested as predictors of a response to systemic therapies, which has limited their clinical usefulness.
分子亚型可以分为两大类:增殖型和非增殖型(图1)11 。
The molecular subtypes can be grouped in two main classes: the proliferation class and the nonproliferation class (Figure 2 ).11
增殖型更常见于HBV感染者,其典型特征是导致侵袭性临床行为的分子和组织学特征,包括血清甲胎蛋白水平高、细胞分化程度低、染色体不稳定、TP53突变和致癌通路激活(例如RAS-丝裂原活化蛋白激酶[MASK]、AKT -哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白[mTOR]和MET[肝细胞生长因子受体])。
The proliferation class, more commonly seen in patients with HBV infection, is characterized by molecular and histologic features that result in aggressive clinical behavior, including high serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein, poor cell differentiation, chromosomal instability, TP53 mutations, and activation of oncogenic pathways (e.g., RAS–mitogen-activated protein kinase [MAPK], AKT–mammalian target of rapamycin [mTOR], and MET [a hepatocyte growth factor receptor]).
与不良临床结局相关的大多数基因标记也在增殖型中富集12 。
Most of the gene signatures associated with a poor clinical outcome are also enriched in the proliferation class.12
Tumors of the nonproliferation class have more CTNNB1 (beta-catenin) mutations, and their gene-expression pattern resembles that of normal hepatocytes.
Hepatocellular carcinomas are complex ecosystems incorporating nontumor cells, mainly immune-related cells.
The success of immune checkpoint inhibition in solid tumors underscores the key role of the tumor microenvironment in the progression of cancer.
大约30%的早期肝细胞癌有免疫激活的基因组证据13 ,而25%无免疫浸润。
Approximately 30% of early-stage hepatocellular carcinomas have genomic evidence of immune activation,13 whereas 25% have no immune infiltrate.
Understanding the interaction between cancer cells and their microenvironment will be crucial for developing new therapies and identifying biomarkers.
Risk Factors
Hepatocellular carcinoma is rare among patients without liver disease and is twice as common in men as in women.
Cirrhosis of any cause increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, with an annual incidence between 2 and 4%.
肝细胞癌风险因病因、地区、性别、年龄和肝损伤程度不同而异14 。
This risk varies according to cause, geographic area, sex, age, and degree of liver damage.14
Worldwide, HBV infection is the main cause of hepatocellular carcinoma.
虽然接种HBV疫苗降低了肝细胞癌的发病率15 ,但许多未接种疫苗的人仍然感染HBV(2015年为2.57亿),因此有患肝细胞癌的风险,这些人主要在亚洲和撒哈拉以南非洲地区16 。
Although HBV vaccination reduces the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma,15 many unvaccinated persons are still infected with HBV (257 million in 2015) and thus at risk for hepatocellular carcinoma, mostly in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.16
Dietary exposure to aflatoxin B1 amplifies the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma among patients with HBV infection, through a specific mutation in TP53 at position 249 (R→S).
In Western countries and Japan, the main cause of hepatocellular carcinoma is HCV infection.
HBV感染具有直接致癌作用,不论基础肝纤维化程度如何17 ,而无晚期纤维化的HCV感染者很少发生肝细胞癌。
HBV infection has a direct oncogenic effect, regardless of the degree of underlying liver fibrosis,17 but hepatocellular carcinoma rarely occurs in HCV-infected patients who do not have advanced fibrosis.
The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma due to NAFLD is increasing worldwide.
在美国,预计从2016至2030年,发病率将增加122%,即从5,510例增加至12,240例18 。
In the United States, the incidence is expected to increase by 122% between 2016 and 2030, from 5510 to 12,240 cases.18
Alcoholic cirrhosis is another frequent cause of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Smoking and coinfection with the human immunodeficiency virus can also contribute to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
抗病毒治疗可有效降低肝细胞癌的发病率,但不能消除风险19 。
Antiviral therapies are effective in reducing the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma but do not eradicate the risk.19
与干扰素无效的HCV感染者相比,在有持续病毒学应答的感染者中,肝细胞癌风险从6.2%降至1.5%20 。
Among patients with HCV infection who have a sustained virologic response to interferon-based treatment regimens, the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is reduced from 6.2 to 1.5%, as compared with patients who do not have a response.20
据报道,接受直接抗病毒药治疗的HCV感染者的肝细胞癌风险降低21 。
Reduction in the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma has been reported among HCV-infected patients treated with direct-acting antiviral agents.21
这些患者通常比接受干扰素治疗的患者有更严重的纤维化22 。
Such patients typically have more advanced fibrosis than those who received interferon-based therapies.22
Apart from treatment of the cause of the liver disease, no drugs are known to reduce the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Cancer surveillance aims to detect tumors at early stages, increase the opportunity to use curative treatments, and improve survival.
However, no high-quality randomized, controlled trials have evaluated the effect of hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in patients with cirrhosis.
一项研究突显了开展此类试验的难度,因为99%的患者拒绝承担被随机分配到非监测组后面临的风险23 。
One study underscored the difficulties of conducting such a trial, with 99% of patients declining to assume the risk of being randomly assigned to the nonsurveillance group.23
尽管如此,数学模型24 、低质量的临床试验(有方法学局限性)25 以及更重要的是队列研究26 的荟萃分析均显示肝癌监测具有生存获益。
Nonetheless, mathematical models,24 a low-quality clinical trial (with methodologic limitations),25 and more important, a meta-analysis of cohort studies26 all show survival benefits of surveillance.
这一证据支持各个重要肝病专业学会提出的监测建议27-29 。
This evidence substantiates the recommendation of surveillance by major hepatology professional societies.27-29
肝癌监测最近面临的批评包括非随机研究表明监测的净获益小,而假阳性结果造成的危害增加30 ,以及疾病特异性死亡率并无降低31 。
Recent criticisms of surveillance include a small net benefit with increased harms as a result of false positive results30 and lack of a decrease in disease-specific mortality,31 on the basis of nonrandomized studies.
The target population for surveillance is patients with cirrhosis, regardless of the cause.
肝硬化患者中肝细胞癌的年发病率超过1.5%,而这个是使监测符合成本效益的阈值32 。
The annual incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma among these patients surpasses the threshold of 1.5% that renders surveillance cost-effective.32
Patients with cirrhosis and advanced liver dysfunction, who would not be eligible for a curative treatment, are not candidates for surveillance.
This does not apply to candidates for liver transplantation as a result of liver dysfunction.
The goal of surveillance for patients on the transplant waiting list is to ensure that a tumor does not develop that would preclude transplantation according to established criteria.
Some patients who have liver disease without cirrhosis should also be enrolled in surveillance programs.
慢性HBV感染者的肝细胞癌风险因地区不同而异(非洲和亚洲的风险高于其他地区),并因以下因素而增加:年龄增长、男性、肝纤维化、高水平病毒复制、基因型C和肝细胞癌家族史33 。
The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma among patients with chronic HBV infection varies across geographic regions (with higher risks in Africa and Asia than in other regions) and increases with age, male sex, presence of liver fibrosis, high level of viral replication, genotype C, and a family history of hepatocellular carcinoma.33
目前有多个用于量化风险的评分系统,但均未得到广泛认可,原因是跨地区的验证结果欠佳34 。
Various scoring systems are available to quantify this risk, but none are universally accepted because of suboptimal validation across geographic regions.34
慢性HCV感染合并晚期纤维化的患者(Metavir系统将其定义为F3或以上,Metavir系统的评分范围是F0~F4,评分较高表示纤维化较严重,参见补充附录表S1,补充附录与本文原文可在NEJM.org获取)35 面临的风险足够高,应进行监测。
Patients with chronic HCV infection and advanced fibrosis, defined by the Metavir system as a score of F3 or higher on a scale of F0 to F4, with higher scores indicating more severe fibrosis (see Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org),35 are at sufficient risk to undergo surveillance.
Although hepatocellular carcinoma can arise in patients who have NAFLD without cirrhosis, the actual risk is unknown and probably very low.
Until there are methods available to identify patients who are at increased risk, surveillance is not recommended for patients who have NAFLD without cirrhosis.
Abdominal ultrasonography every 6 months is the recommended method for surveillance, with or without measurement of serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein.
检查结果受操作者影响,其灵敏度为47%~84%,特异度高于90%36 。
The results are operator-dependent, with a sensitivity of 47 to 84% and a specificity higher than 90%.36
The performance of ultrasound surveillance is problematic in obese patients.
The role of computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a surveillance tool is unknown.
液体活检中的循环肿瘤DNA突变分析已成为早期检测肝癌的潜在新工具37 ,但其性能尚未确定。
Mutation analysis of circulating tumor DNA in the context of liquid biopsy has emerged as a potential new tool for early detection,37 but its performance has yet to be established.
在肝硬化患者中,肝细胞癌可通过影像学技术诊断(图2),因为肝细胞恶变过程中发生血管转变,其中良性病变(例如再生结节和发育不良结节)由门静脉系统分支供血,而恶性结节由肝动脉供血38 。
In patients with cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma can be diagnosed with the use of imaging techniques (Figure 3) because of the vascular shift that occurs during malignant transformation of hepatocytes, in which benign lesions (e.g., regenerative and dysplastic nodules) are supplied by branches of the portal system, whereas malignant nodules are supplied by blood from the hepatic artery.38
This shift translates into a distinctive pattern of hyperenhancement in the arterial phase and washout in venous or delayed phases on contrast-enhanced CT or MRI.
对于结节直径大于1 cm的肝硬化患者,上述模式诊断肝细胞癌的灵敏度为66%~82%,特异度高于90%39 。
This pattern has a sensitivity between 66% and 82% and a specificity higher than 90% for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis and nodules larger than 1 cm in diameter.39
specificity 特异度
肝脏影像学报告和数据系统(Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System)利用这些和其他特征,根据肝脏结节是肝细胞癌的可能性对其进行了分类40 。
The Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System uses these and other features to classify hepatic nodules on the basis of the likelihood that they represent hepatocellular carcinoma.40
主要位于欧洲27 和亚洲28 的专家中心也运用超声造影检查了确定肝脏结节的特征,但其精确的诊断作用仍在研究中。
Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography is also used to characterize liver nodules at expert centers, mostly in Europe27 and Asia,28 but its precise diagnostic role is still under investigation.
For nodules with an inconclusive pattern on imaging or those in patients without cirrhosis, the diagnosis should rely on biopsy.
图2. 肝硬化患者肝脏结节的诊断流程
Figure2. Diagnostic Algorithm for a Liver Nodule in a Patient with Cirrhosis.
该流程改编自欧洲肝脏研究学会(European Association for the Study of the Liver)指南27 。
The algorithm has been adapted from the guidelines of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.27
Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis can be diagnosed with the use of imaging techniques, depending on the size of the nodule and the pattern on radiologic imaging.
如果直径小于1 cm的结节在12个月后大小保持稳定,则应考虑恢复6个月1次的常规监测。
If a nodule less than 1 cm in diameter remains stable in size after 12 months, a return to regular 6-month surveillance should be considered.
美国肝病研究学会(American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases)指南建议,对于不明确的结节,随访影像学检查可作为活检的可能的替代方法29 。
The guidelines of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases recommend follow-up imaging as a possible alternative to biopsy for indeterminate nodules.29
为有小结节的患者建立组织学诊断可能具有挑战性,但一组免疫染色标志物(磷脂酰肌醇蛋白聚糖-3、热休克蛋白70和谷氨酰胺合成酶)提高了诊断的准确度41 。
Establishing a histologic diagnosis in a patient with small nodules can be challenging, but a set of immunostaining markers — glypigan 3, heat shock protein 70, and glutamine synthetase — increase diagnostic accuracy.41
结节直径小于1 cm的肝硬化患者应每3~4个月进行1次超声监测,如果结节大小在12个月后保持稳定,可考虑恢复常规监测27 。
Patients who have cirrhosis with nodules that are less than 1 cm in diameter should undergo ultrasound surveillance every 3 to 4 months and be considered for a return to conventional surveillance if the nodule is stable in size after 12 months.27
Since most patients with hepatocellular carcinoma have concomitant liver disease, the benefits of treating the tumor must be balanced against the potential harms of medical interventions in patients with cirrhosis.
This complexity in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma calls for a multidisciplinary approach, with expertise in hepatology, hepatobiliary surgery, pathology, oncology, radiology (both diagnostic and interventional), and specialized nursing.
To adequately estimate survival, any staging system must quantify not only the tumor burden but also the extent of liver dysfunction and performance status.
1999年提出的肝癌巴塞罗那(BCLC)分期对上述各部分进行衡量42 ,是目前应用最广泛的分期系统43 。
All these components are measured in the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) algorithm, which was introduced in 1999 and is the staging system most widely applied.
该分期获得临床实践指南27,29 的支持,并且是肝细胞癌临床试验设计的公认基准27 。
This algorithm is endorsed in clinical practice guidelines27,29 and is the accepted benchmark for clinical trial design in hepatocellular carcinoma.27
The algorithm classifies patients as being in one of five stages and provides treatment recommendations for each stage (Figure 3).
除此之外还有其他分期系统(例如香港肝癌分期系统[Hong Kong Liver Cancer staging system]44 和意大利肝癌项目[Cancer of the Liver Italian Program]45 ),但它们的应用仅限于某些地区。
Other staging systems exist (e.g., the Hong Kong Liver Cancer staging system44 and the Cancer of the Liver Italian Program45), but their implementation is restricted to certain geographic areas.
Figure 3. Clinical Algorithm for the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
上述流程是基于肝癌巴塞罗那分期(该分期将患者分成五期)和欧洲肝脏研究学会指南27,43 。
The algorithm is based on the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer algorithm, which classifies patients as being in one of five stages, and European Association for the Study of the Liver guidelines.27,43
Depicted is the estimated survival time in each stage once the recommended therapy has been administered or performed.
The lenvatinib trial did not include patients with 50% or higher occupation of the liver with tumors or invasion of the bile duct or main portal vein.
None of the second-line therapies were tested in patients who had tumors that had been treated with lenvatinib.
瑞戈非尼在索拉非尼副作用可接受的患者中进行了试验,雷莫芦单抗在血清AFP水平≥400 ng/mL的患者中进行了试验。
Regorafenib was tested in patients for whom sorafenib was associated with an acceptable side-effects profile, and ramucirumab in those with serum AFP levels of 400 ng per milliliter or greater.
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG-PS) is a five-point scale on which higher numbers reflect greater disability.
HCC denotes hepatocellular carcinoma.
The tumor burden is quantified according to the number and size of nodules, along with the presence or absence of macrovascular tumor invasion or extrahepatic spread, as assessed with cross-sectional imaging.
对于肝功能障碍评估,传统的Child–Turcotte–Pugh评分(补充附录表S2)46 提供了主观评估结果,但未能充分反映肝功能储备。
For the assessment of liver dysfunction, the traditional Child–Turcotte–Pugh score (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix)46 provides a subjective assessment and does not adequately capture the hepatic functional reserve.
替代方案包括终末期肝病模型(Model for End-Stage Liver Disease)47 和白蛋白-胆红素分级48 。
Alternatives include the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease47 and the albumin–bilirubin grade.48
All these assessment methods have limitations, but it is crucial to distinguish patients with well-preserved liver function from those with more advanced hepatopathy.
在临床实践中,保留肝功能的患者指的是患代偿性肝病(即无腹水)49 ,并且Child–Turcotte–Pugh评分为A(范围,A~C,C比A的肝功能障碍严重)的患者。
In practical terms, patients with well-preserved liver function are those with compensated disease (i.e., no ascites)49 and a Child–Turcotte–Pugh score of A on a scale of A to C, with C indicating more liver dysfunction than A.
These patients have the best outcomes across disease stages.
患者的总体健康状况,以及在无须他人帮助的情况下完成某些日常生活活动的能力通过美国东部肿瘤协作组体能状态进行衡量,这是一个五分量表,较高评分反映较严重失能50 。
A patient’s general well-being and ability to perform certain activities of daily living without the help of others are measured with the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, a five-point scale on which higher numbers reflect greater disability.50
Clinical Management
最适合切除术的是有早期(BCLC分期0或A)单发肿瘤(不论肿瘤大小如何)、体能状态良好、肝功能保留良好并且无临床显著门静脉高压的患者51 。
The ideal candidates for resection are patients with a solitary tumor at an early stage (BCLC stage 0 or A), regardless of tumor size, in whom the performance status is good, liver function is well preserved, and there is no clinically significant portal hypertension.51
这些患者接受切除术后的5年生存率超过60%,且术后死亡率低(<3%);5年时多达70%的患者有肿瘤复发52 。
For these patients, resection is associated with survival above 60% at 5 years, with low postoperative mortality (<3%); as many as 70% of these patients have tumor recurrence at 5 years.52
尚无任何经证明可减少复发的辅助治疗53 。
No adjuvant therapies have been shown to reduce recurrence.53
在接受切除术的患者中,尽管基因标记的应用改善了预后分层12 ,但该方法尚未成为常规临床实践的一部分。
Despite improved prognostic stratification with the use of gene signatures in patients who have undergone resection,12 this approach has not become part of routine clinical practice.
近期一项非对照研究纳入的是患早期肿瘤,并且正在接受直接抗病毒药的HCV感染者,结果表明切除术或消融术后肿瘤复发的患者比例出乎意料地高54 。
A recent uncontrolled study involving HCV-infected patients with early-stage tumors who were receiving direct-acting antiviral agents showed an unexpectedly high percentage of patients with tumor recurrence after resection or ablation.54
之后的研究55 (包括荟萃分析)未能证实这些结果56 ,因此我们需要更多数据来确定这些药物是否有利于肿瘤复发。
Subsequent studies,55 including a meta-analysis, failed to confirm these results,56 so additional data are needed to determine whether these drugs favor tumor recurrence.
Liver transplantation can be performed in patients with a limited tumor burden who are not candidates for resection.
In addition to removing the tumor, transplantation has the advantage of curing the liver disease.
肝移植米兰标准(即直径≤5 cm的单发结节,或者直径均≤3 cm的最多3个结节)是肝细胞癌患者的基准57 ,已被器官共享联合网络(UNOS)采纳。
The Milan criteria for liver transplantation (i.e., a single nodule ≤5 cm in diameter or up to three nodules, none larger than 3 cm in diameter) are the benchmark in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma57 and have been adopted by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS).
Macrovascular tumor invasion or extrahepatic spread is a contraindication for transplantation because of the high risk of tumor recurrence.
Transplantation in patients with tumors that meet the Milan criteria is associated with survival of 60 to 80% at 5 years and 50% at 10 years, with post-transplantation tumor recurrence lower than 15%.
不符合米兰标准的肿瘤患者接受肝移植后结局较差58 。
Transplantation in patients with tumors that do not meet the Milan criteria has worse outcomes.58
对等候名单上的患者采取新辅助治疗(一般是消融术或经动脉治疗)是符合成本效益的方法,在中位等候时间超过6个月的情况下可减少肿瘤进展导致的脱落人数59 。
Neoadjuvant treatments administered while patients are on the waiting list, generally ablation or transarterial therapies, are a cost-effective means of reducing the number of dropouts due to tumor progression when the median waiting time is longer than 6 months.59
The use of these therapies to down-stage some tumors exceeding the Milan criteria (i.e., reducing the tumor burden to meet the criteria) is accepted by UNOS as a way of making formerly ineligible patients eligible for transplantation.
The use of marginal grafts and living donation has increased the pool of organs available for transplantation.
However, the gap between available donors and patients on the waiting list is still a major limitation of transplantation.
不适合手术的0或A期肿瘤患者被推荐接受消融术27,29 。
Ablation is recommended in patients with BCLC stage 0 or A tumors who are not candidates for surgery.27,29
The main method is image-guided, percutaneous radiofrequency ablation, which achieves tumor necrosis by inducing a high intratumoral temperature.
肿瘤坏死程度与肿瘤大小呈负相关,肿瘤直径大于3 cm的情况下,坏死程度显著下降。
The extent of tumor necrosis is negatively correlated with tumor size and drops significantly in tumors larger than 3 cm in diameter.
As compared with resection, ablation has fewer complications but provides worse local control for larger tumors.
对于有直径小于2 cm的单发肿瘤,且位于肝实质内有利位置的某些患者,射频消融术与切除术均可作为推荐的一线治疗60 。
In some patients with solitary tumors that are less than 2 cm in diameter and in a favorable location within the liver parenchyma, radiofrequency ablation competes with resection as a recommended option for frontline treatment.60
Other ablative options include microwave ablation, cryoablation, and ethanol injection.
External-beam radiotherapy is safe, but randomized, controlled trials are needed to determine its efficacy and role in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma.
中期肿瘤(BCLC B期)患者应考虑经动脉治疗。
Patients with intermediate-stage tumors (BCLC stage B) should be considered for transarterial therapies.
The main treatment method is transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), which entails intraarterial infusion of a cytotoxic agent, followed immediately by embolization of the vessels that feed the tumor.
Adjacent nontumoral liver tissue is generally protected from TACE because, unlike the tumor, its blood supply comes mainly from the portal vein.
两项随机对照试验以及一项包括阳性和阴性试验的荟萃分析显示,TACE与最佳支持治疗相比具有生存获益61 。
Two randomized, controlled trials and a meta-analysis that included positive and negative trials showed survival benefits with TACE as compared with the best supportive care.61
包括101项研究,12,372例患者的一项TACE系统综述表明客观缓解率为52.5%62 。
A systematic review of TACE, including 101 studies and 12,372 patients, showed an objective response of 52.5%.62
与TACE相关的死亡率低于1%,大多数死亡原因是肝衰竭62 ,这一发现强调指出肝癌治疗中正确选择患者的重要性。
The mortality associated with TACE was below 1%, with most deaths due to liver failure,62 a finding that underscores the importance of adequate patient selection for this therapy.
TACE should not be considered in patients with decompensated cirrhosis.
There is evidence that TACE performed with the use of drug-eluting beads has antitumoral activity similar to that of conventional TACE, with fewer side effects, whereas the use of bland embolization is more controversial.
TACE的中位生存期为26~40个月,具体取决于患者选择是否适当63,64 。
Median survival with TACE ranges from 26 to 40 months, depending on patient selection.63,64
TACE联合索拉非尼(丝氨酸-苏氨酸激酶Raf-1和B-Raf,以及血管内皮生长因子受体[VEGFR]和血小板源性生长因子受体-β[PDGFR-β]的受体酪氨酸激酶活性抑制剂)或布立尼布(brivanib,VEGFR和成纤维细胞生长因子受体抑制剂)全身性治疗未改善患者生存63,65 。
Combining TACE with the systemic drug sorafenib (an inhibitor of the serine–threonine kinases Raf-1 and B-Raf and the receptor tyrosine kinase activity of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors [VEGFRs] and platelet-derived growth factor receptor β [PDGFR-β]) or brivanib (an inhibitor of VEGFR and fibroblast growth factor receptor) does not improve survival.63,65
选择性体内放疗(SIRT)是另一种经动脉治疗方法,常用于BCLC B期肿瘤患者。
Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) is another transarterial treatment approach frequently used in patients with BCLC stage B tumors.
It is based on the intraarterial infusion of microspheres with the radioisotope yttrium-90.
与TACE不同,SIRT不包括肉眼可见栓塞步骤(macroembolic step)。
Unlike TACE, SIRT does not include a macroembolic step.
The radiation emitted by yttrium-90 is responsible for its antitumoral activity.
尚无随机3期临床试验比较接受TACE和SIRT治疗患者的生存期,但大量队列和回顾性研究表明SIRT是一种安全的方法,其客观缓解率与TACE相似66 。
No randomized phase 3 trials have compared TACE and SIRT with respect to survival, but numerous cohort and retrospective studies indicate that SIRT is a safe procedure with an objective response similar to that seen with TACE.66
在晚期疾病(即BCLC C期)患者中评估SIRT的3期临床试验表明,SIRT与索拉非尼相比患者生存无改善,并且SIRT联合索拉非尼与索拉非尼单药治疗相比患者生存无改善67-69 。
The phase 3 clinical trials evaluating SIRT in patients with advanced disease (i.e., BCLC stage C) showed no improvement in survival with SIRT as compared with sorafenib and no improvement with SIRT and sorafenib combined as compared with sorafenib alone.67-69
全身性治疗推荐用于晚期疾病(BCLC C期)患者或经动脉治疗后发生进展的中期疾病(BCLC B期)患者。 Systemic therapies are recommended for patients who have advanced disease (BCLC stage C) or who have intermediate-stage disease (BCLC stage B) and progression with transarterial therapies.
在关键评估索拉非尼治疗肝细胞癌的随机方案(SHARP)试验中,安慰组患者的生存期为7.9个月,索拉非尼组延长至10.7个月70 。
In the pivotal Sorafenib Hepatocellular Carcinoma Assessment Randomized Protocol (SHARP) trial, survival increased from a median of 7.9 months with placebo to 10.7 months with sorafenib.70
该药物的安全性和中等疗效在亚太地区患者中得到验证71 。
The safety and modest efficacy of this agent were validated in patients from the Asia–Pacific region.71
Sorafenib was the first systemic drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma and is the standard of care for frontline therapy.
Most agents and other treatment approaches subsequently tested in phase 3 trials failed to improve on or parallel the efficacy of sorafenib as frontline treatment; they also did not increase survival, as compared with placebo, for second-line treatment.
上述药物和治疗方法包括厄洛替尼72 、布立尼布73,74 、舒尼替尼75 、linifanib76 、依维莫司77 、聚乙二醇化精氨酸脱亚胺酶(ADI-PEG20)78 、SIRT67-69 、肝动脉灌注化疗79 、多柔比星80,81 和FOLFOX(氟尿嘧啶、亚叶酸钙[亚叶酸]和奥沙利铂)82 ,以及用于MET过表达患者的tivantinib83 (图4)。
These agents and treatments include erlotinib,72 brivanib,73,74 sunitinib,75 linifanib,76 everolimus,77 pegylated arginine deiminase (ADI-PEG20),78 SIRT,67-69 hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy,79 doxorubicin,80,81 and FOLFOX (fluorouracil, leucovorin [folinic acid], and oxaliplatin),82 as well as tivantinib in patients with overexpression of MET83 (Figure 4).
Insufficient antitumoral activity, toxicity in the context of cirrhosis, and inadequate patient selection have been proposed as reasons for these failures.
之前索拉非尼一直是唯一有效的一线治疗方案,直至仑伐替尼(另一种多激酶抑制剂)在非劣效性试验中显示出抗肿瘤活性84 。
Sorafenib remained the sole effective option for frontline therapy until lenvatinib, another inhibitor of multiple kinases, showed antitumoral activity in a noninferiority trial.84
Median survival was 13.6 months with lenvatinib and 12.3 months with sorafenib.
仑伐替尼组的3或4级不良事件包括高血压(仑伐替尼 vs. 索拉非尼,23% vs. 14%)、体重减轻(8% vs. 3%)和掌跖红肿疼痛(3% vs. 11%)。
Grade 3 or 4 adverse events with lenvatinib included hypertension (in 23% of patients, vs. 14% receiving sorafenib), decreased weight (8% vs. 3%), and palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia (3% vs. 11%).
FDA 2018年批准仑伐替尼用于治疗肝细胞癌。
Lenvatinib received FDA approval for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in 2018.
Figure 4. Systemic Therapies Tested in Phase 3 Trials for the Management of Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
ADI-PEG20 denotes pegylated arginine deiminase 20, HAIC hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, SHARP Sorafenib Hepatocellular Carcinoma Assessment Randomized Protocol, and SIRT selective internal radiation therapy.
In recent years, substantial progress has been made in testing new, efficacious systemic therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma.
瑞戈非尼也是多激酶抑制剂,在索拉非尼治疗期间发生肿瘤进展的患者接受瑞戈非尼治疗后,与安慰剂相比延长了生存期,从7.8个月延长至10.6个月85 。
Regorafenib, also an inhibitor of multiple kinases, increased survival, as compared with placebo, from 7.8 to 10.6 months among patients with tumor progression during treatment with sorafenib.85
With a safety profile similar to that of sorafenib, regorafenib decreased the risk of death by 37%, as compared with placebo, and became the first drug approved by the FDA for second-line treatment.
在安慰剂对照试验中,作为二线治疗显示出疗效的其他药物包括卡博替尼86 和雷莫芦单抗87 。
Other drugs that have shown efficacy as second-line treatment in placebo-controlled trials are cabozantinib86 and ramucirumab.87
Cabozantinib, an inhibitor of receptor tyrosine kinases, including VEGFR, MET, and AXL, reduced the risk of death, as compared with placebo (hazard ratio, 0.76); grade 3 or 4 adverse events, mostly hypertension and palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia, occurred in 68% of patients who received cabozantinib and in 36% of patients who received placebo.
雷莫芦单抗试验纳入了基线甲胎蛋白水平≥400 ng/mL的患者。
The ramucirumab trial enrolled patients with baseline alpha-fetoprotein levels of 400 ng per milliliter or greater.
开展本试验的基础是先前一项阴性试验的事后分析结果提示雷莫芦单抗对该亚组有疗效88 。
The trial was based on a post hoc analysis of a previous, negative trial that suggested efficacy in this subgroup.88
Ramucirumab, an antibody against VEGF receptor 2, improved survival, as compared with placebo (hazard ratio for death, 0.71), with manageable toxic effects.
The clinical benefits of immune-based therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma are emerging.
对细胞毒性T淋巴细胞相关蛋白-4(CTLA-4)抑制剂tremelimumab开展的小规模2期试验表明,患者的部分缓解率为17.6%89 。
A small phase 2 trial with the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte–associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) inhibitor tremelimumab showed a partial response rate of 17.6%.89
在接受索拉非尼治疗后发生疾病进展或不可接受的不良事件的患者中,一项单组2期试验表明,细胞程序性死亡蛋白-1(PD-1)免疫检查点抑制剂纳武利尤单抗使患者达到了15.6个月的中位生存期90,91 。
In patients who had disease progression or unacceptable adverse effects with sorafenib, treatment with the programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) immune checkpoint inhibitor nivolumab achieved a median survival of 15.6 months in a single-group phase 2 trial.90,91
根据《实体肿瘤疗效评价标准》(RECIST),总缓解率为14.3%,此外在有缓解的患者中,55%的缓解持续时间超过12个月92 。
The overall response was 14.3% according to Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST), and in 55% of the patients with a response, the duration of the response was more than 12 months.92
These response data prompted FDA approval under the accelerated program.
另一种PD-1抑制剂帕博利珠单抗的2期试验显示了相似的缓解率(17%),但生存期较短(中位数,12.9个月)93 ;2019年初,帕博利珠单抗二线治疗的相关3期试验并未显示出超过安慰剂的总生存期或无进展生存期(两个主要终点)94 。
A phase 2 trial of pembrolizumab, another PD-1 inhibitor, showed a similar response (17%) but shorter survival (median, 12.9 months)93; in early 2019, the associated phase 3 trial of pembrolizumab for second-line treatment did not show longer overall survival or progression-free survival (the two primary end points) than placebo.94
纳武利尤单抗治疗后的肿瘤缓解与生存期相关91 ,这强调指出需要为疗效选择准确的生物标志物。
The tumor response to nivolumab correlates with survival,91 underscoring the need for accurate biomarkers of the treatment response.
Careful selection of patients who are most likely to have a response will spare other patients unnecessary toxic effects.
使用PD-1配体-1染色预测纳武利尤单抗治疗后的缓解情况未取得良好效果90 ,肿瘤突变负荷等替代预测因素正在研究中。
The use of PD-1 ligand 1 staining to predict the response to nivolumab has had poor results,90 and alternative predictors, such as tumor mutational burden, are under investigation.
靶向治疗联合免疫检查点抑制剂已在1期试验中进行了评估,其中包括仑伐替尼联合帕博利珠单抗95 以及阿特珠单抗联合贝伐珠单抗96 ,缓解率分别为46%和32%。
The combination of targeted therapies with immune checkpoint inhibitors has been tested in phase 1 trials, including lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab95 and atezolizumab plus bevacizumab,96 with response rates of 46% and 32%, respectively.
Ongoing phase 3 trials testing immune-based therapies will establish their role in the clinical management of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Future Perspectives
肝细胞癌导致的死亡人数增多越来越令人担忧3 。
The increase in deaths due to hepatocellular carcinoma is a growing concern.3
The hope is that universal HBV vaccination, the increasing cure rates of HCV infection, and improvements in surveillance will reduce this burden.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is a complex disease, frequently associated with cirrhosis; a multidisciplinary approach in specialized clinics is required to maximally influence the course of the disease.
The clinical management of hepatocellular carcinoma has improved in the past 10 years, particularly for patients at advanced stages.
Other areas of management remain without effective interventions, such as chemoprevention in patients with cirrhosis and adjuvant therapies after surgical resection or ablation.
As the number of systemic agents found to be effective in phase 3 trials continues to grow, the challenge is to determine the order of sequential systemic therapy that maximizes the clinical benefit with minimal toxic effects and cost.
The prospect of combination therapies and the use of systemic drugs at earlier stages will shape research initiatives for hepatocellular carcinoma in the near future.