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在“结果”部分,我们经常使用比较。 这些比较,也经常包括下述这些词“between”、 “among” 、“like” “with” 和“than”。 在实际比较时,应坚持以下几点: • 只有相似的事物才能够妥当比较 例子: Good: The brain activity in Patient A was compared with that of Patient B. Bad: The brain activity in Patient A was compared with Patient B. brain activity 和 person 之间并没有可比性。此外,我们还可以这样表达: brain activity in Patient A with brain activity in Patient B. Good: Expression levels of p53 in smokers were compared with p53 levels in non-smokers. Better: Expression levels of p53 in smokers were compared with those in non-smokers. 这里“those”的意思就是“expression levels of p53”;在同一个句子当中,为了可读性,最好不要重复相同的单词。 • 尽可能明确 例子: Good: Reactions with the new machine were faster than those with the old machine. Bad: Reactions with the new machine were faster. 第二个句子语义不明,无法让读者明白到底比谁快。 • 类似“reduced” 、“increased” 和“decreased” 的词语可以用来比较同一事物的前后差异,而非两个不同事物的差异。 • 如果比较两个不同事物(比如:不同给药组病人),使用类似“higher”、 “shorter” 和“more”的词语。 Examples: Good: In our study, time until hibernation was shorter in the Experimental Group than in the Control Group. Bad: In our study, time until hibernation was reduced in the Experimental Group compared with the Control Group. “Reduced” 不能用来讨论两个不同的事情;比如the Experimental Group和the Control Group

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