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2022年的政府工作报告 输出2

  1. Register


关键核心技术攻关取得重要进展,载人航天、火星探测、资源勘探、能源工程等领域实现新突破。 Major advances were registered in research on core technologies in key fields, and breakthroughs were made in manned spaceflight, Mars exploration, resource exploration, energy projects and other areas.

今年安排中央本级支出增长3.9%,其中中央部门支出继续负增长。 This year, central government expenditures will rise by 3.9 percent, but the budgetary spending of central government departments will continue to register negative growth.


达到; 取得, 获得:

Business failure registered a postwar record this year. 今年厂商的倒闭达到战后最高记录。

This country has registered extraordinary economic progress. 这个国家取得了惊人的经济发展。


  1. Mark


市场主体总量超过1.5亿户。| The total number of market entities supassed the 150-million mark.


level 水平

a level or point that sth reaches that is thought to be important (重要的)水平,标准点,指标

Unemployment has passed the four million mark. 失业人数已突破四百万大关。

She was leading at the half-way mark. 赛程到一半时是她领先。

引申思考一步,日常做翻译的时候,经常把“水平”视为范畴词省略了。但是,如果在一个句子里,所谓的“水平”存在“sth reaches that is thought to be important”的内涵,似乎用一个mark,更凸显准确性。

  1. in real terms


居民人均可支配收入实际增长8.1%。 Per capita disposable income increased by 8.1 percent in real terms.


in real terms phrase

after considering all the things that affect the true value of something

Spending was cut by 4% in real terms.

Thesaurus: **true, definite and based on facts** synonym 

Main entry: real

  1. Reflect on


回顾过去一年,成绩得来殊为不易。 Reflecting on the past year, we can see that our achievements did not come easily.


[I, T] to think carefully and deeply about sth 认真思考;沉思

Before I decide, I need time to reflect. 在作出决定以前,我需要时间认真考虑考虑。

~ on/upon sth

She was left to reflect on the implications of her decision. 由她来考虑她这个决定会有什么后果。

~ that …

On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well. 回家的路上,他琢磨着这次面试非常顺利。

~ how, what, etc. …

She reflected how different it could have been. 她琢磨着那件事本可以有多大的不同。


"It could all have been so different," she reflected. “那件事本可以如此完全不同的。”她思索着。

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